Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Changelog 2020-06-15 2.2 kB
raspicam-0.1.9.zip 2020-06-15 2.1 MB
raspicam-0.1.8.zip 2019-07-03 1.4 MB
raspicam-0.1.6.zip 2017-02-18 623.8 kB
README 2017-02-16 7.8 kB
raspicam-0.1.4.zip 2017-02-05 623.2 kB
raspicam-0.1.3.zip 2015-02-28 608.9 kB
raspicam-0.1.2.zip 2015-02-12 608.8 kB
raspicam-0.1.1.zip 2014-04-03 129.5 kB
raspicam-0.0.7.tgz 2014-03-21 74.4 kB
raspicam-0.0.6.zip 2014-01-23 223.8 kB
raspicam-0.0.5.tgz 2013-11-21 71.3 kB
raspi_test_0.2.tgz 2013-11-16 2.7 kB
raspicam-0.0.3.tgz 2013-11-12 129.0 kB
Totals: 14 Items   6.6 MB 8
This library allows to use the Raspberry Pi Camera. 

* Main features:
 - Provides  class RaspiCam for easy and full control of the camera
 - Provides class  RaspiCam_Cv for easy control of the camera with OpenCV.
 - Provides class  RaspiCam_Still and RaspiCam_Still_Cv for controlling the camera in still mode
 - Easy compilation/installation using cmake.
 - No need to install development file of userland. Implementation is hidden.
 - Many examples 

Thanks To
 -Tom Low <sebaffle@gmail.com> : for his contribution in version 0.1.5

* ChangeLog
  - corrected the behaviour of CV_CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE_RED_V and CV_CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE_BLUE_U in raspicam_cv
  - Updates to latest version of the controllers. Bug corrected with BGR RGB swapping
  - Added set/getFrameRates in raspicam and raspicam_cv
  - Added rotation capabilities in raspicam_cv via  set(CV_CAP_PROP_ROLL,val)
    - Native support for BGR and RGB in opencv classes. No need to do conversion anymore.
  - Solved deadlock error in grab
  - Moved to c++11  mutex  and condition_variables. Bug fixed that caused random dead lock condition in grab()
  - Bug fixed in release for RapiCam and RaspiCam_Cv
  - Added classes  RaspiCam_Still and RaspiCam_Still_Cv for still camera mode
  - Bug ins cv camera corrected
  - getImageBuffeSize change by getImageBufferSize (sorry)
  - Change in capture format. Now, it is able to capture in RGB at high speed. 
  - The second parameter of retrieve is now useless. Format must be specified in Raspicam::(set/get)Format before opening the camera and can not be change during operation.
  - RaspiCam_Cv captures in BGR, which is obtained by converting from RGB. Therefore,  performance drops to half repect to the RaspiCam in RGB mode when using 1280x960.
  - Added shutter speed camera control
  - OpenCv set/get params are now scaled to [0,100]
  - Added more command line options in test programs
  - Fixed error in color conversion (rgb and bgr were swapped)
  - Added command line options in raspicam_test to adjust exposure
  - Changes in RaspiCam_Cv so that exposure can be adjusted. Very simply.
 - Decoupled opening from the start of capture in RaspiCam if desired. RapiCam::open and RaspiCam::startCapture
 - Added  function RaspiCam::getId and RaspiCam_Cv::getId
 - Added a new way to convert yuv2rgb which is a bit faster.Thanks to Stefan Gufman (gruffypuffy at gmail dot com)
 - Added command line option -test_speed to utils programs (do not save images to memory)
 - Removed useless code in private_impl
Initial libary

* Compiling

Download the file to your raspberry. Then, uncompress the file and compile

tar xvzf raspicamxx.tgz
cd raspicamxx
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

At this point you'll see something like 
-- REQUIRED_LIBRARIES=/opt/vc/lib/libmmal_core.so;/opt/vc/lib/libmmal_util.so;/opt/vc/lib/libmmal.so
-- Change a value with: cmake -D<Variable>=<Value>
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/pi/raspicam/trunk/build

If OpenCV development files are installed in your system, then  you see
otherwise this option will be 0 and the opencv module of the library will not be compiled.

Finally compile and install
sudo make install

After that, you have the programs raspicam_test  and raspicam_cv_test (if opencv was enabled).
Run the first program to check that compilation is ok.

You can check that the library has installed the header files under /usr/local/lib/raspicam , and the libraries in
/usr/local/lib/libraspicam.so and /usr/local/lib/libraspicam_cv.so (if opencv support enabled)

* Using it in your projects

We provide a simple example to use the library. Create a directory for our own project. 

First create a file with the name simpletest_raspicam.cpp and add the following code

#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <raspicam/raspicam.h>
using namespace std;

int main ( int argc,char **argv ) {
    raspicam::RaspiCam Camera; //Cmaera object
    //Open camera 
    cout<<"Opening Camera..."<<endl;
    if ( !Camera.open()) {cerr<<"Error opening camera"<<endl;return -1;}
    //wait a while until camera stabilizes
    cout<<"Sleeping for 3 secs"<<endl;
    //allocate memory
    unsigned char *data=new unsigned char[  Camera.getImageTypeSize ( raspicam::RASPICAM_FORMAT_RGB )];
    //extract the image in rgb format
    Camera.retrieve ( data,raspicam::RASPICAM_FORMAT_RGB );//get camera image
    std::ofstream outFile ( "raspicam_image.ppm",std::ios::binary );
    outFile<<"P6\n"<<Camera.getWidth() <<" "<<Camera.getHeight() <<" 255\n";
    outFile.write ( ( char* ) data, Camera.getImageTypeSize ( raspicam::RASPICAM_FORMAT_RGB ) );
    cout<<"Image saved at raspicam_image.ppm"<<endl;
    //free resrources    
    delete data;
    return 0;

Now, create a file named CMakeLists.txt and add:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) 
project (raspicam_test)
find_package(raspicam REQUIRED)
add_executable (simpletest_raspicam simpletest_raspicam.cpp)  
target_link_libraries (simpletest_raspicam ${raspicam_LIBS})

Finally, create,compile and execute
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

A more complete sample project is provided in SourceForge.

* OpenCV Interface

If the OpenCV is found when compiling the library, the libraspicam_cv.so module is created and the RaspiCam_Cv class available.
Take a look at the examples in utils to see how to use the class. In addition, we show here how you can use the RaspiCam_Cv in your own project using cmake.

First create a file with the name simpletest_raspicam_cv.cpp and add the following code

#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <raspicam/raspicam_cv.h>
using namespace std; 

int main ( int argc,char **argv ) {
    time_t timer_begin,timer_end;
    raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv Camera;
    cv::Mat image;
    int nCount=100;
    //set camera params
    Camera.set( CV_CAP_PROP_FORMAT, CV_8UC1 );
    //Open camera
    cout<<"Opening Camera..."<<endl;
    if (!Camera.open()) {cerr<<"Error opening the camera"<<endl;return -1;}
    //Start capture
    cout<<"Capturing "<<nCount<<" frames ...."<<endl;
    time ( &timer_begin );
    for ( int i=0; i<nCount; i++ ) {
        Camera.retrieve ( image);
        if ( i%5==0 )  cout<<"\r captured "<<i<<" images"<<std::flush;
    cout<<"Stop camera..."<<endl;
    //show time statistics
    time ( &timer_end ); /* get current time; same as: timer = time(NULL)  */
    double secondsElapsed = difftime ( timer_end,timer_begin );
    cout<< secondsElapsed<<" seconds for "<< nCount<<"  frames : FPS = "<<  ( float ) ( ( float ) ( nCount ) /secondsElapsed ) <<endl;
    //save image 
    cout<<"Image saved at raspicam_cv_image.jpg"<<endl;

Now, create a file named CMakeLists.txt and add:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) 
project (raspicam_test)
find_package(raspicam REQUIRED)
IF  ( OpenCV_FOUND AND raspicam_CV_FOUND)
	add_executable (simpletest_raspicam_cv simpletest_raspicam_cv.cpp)  
	target_link_libraries (simpletest_raspicam_cv ${raspicam_CV_LIBS})

Finally, create,compile and execute
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Source: README, updated 2017-02-16